Hi Everyone!
To say time is flying by is an understatement. I was reading a few blogs and just thought I’d look at mine and saw it was one year ago, Oct 2, 2022, that I last posted. It seems to be a trend because 2021 last post was around the same time. What a better day to begin blogging again. I’ve had many people say that they miss my blog. So, I hope you enjoy reading this post.
Where shall I begin? Let’s see……. I’m still quilting and we’re still making lamps. We did the Pymatuning Lake Festival the first weekend in Aug. I sold some lamps and some quilted table runners, a few ornaments for Christmas too. It was a beautiful weekend and the weather cooperated, no rain and not too hot temperatures, Guess you’d say it was picture perfect.
We are getting ready for the Christmas In The Woods show this month in Columbiana Ohio with our lamps. This is the seventh year we’ve done this show. We thought we had plenty ready for this show, but with the cancellation of the big festival called Penn’s Colony in PA, we will probably need more lamps so we’re at it again.
I’m busy making quilts, table runners, and some bowl cozies, not for this show; however. I may do a few shows here and there locally with just quilted items and ornaments, etc., just to get rid of some stock. Several of these quilted items are going to my nephew and his wife's new shop in McConnellsburg PA called, "All is Well Boutique + Gifts". If you want to visit there store online, just click the blue link, and a pop up will appear and just click on that and then it says to login to Facebook, etc., but just hit the "X" and it will bypass that and you can view their page and watch their videos. They have so many things in their brick and mortar store. Here are a few 60° table runners I’ve been working on for them. I enjoy making these. I have a Christmas table topper I have just about finished and I joined a guilting group out of Vermont so I’m working on a log cabin quilt too. This log cabin quilt is just about done, I'll include in it next post.

This one I kept for myself! Loved it too much!!
The other thing I’ve been busy doing is gardening. Bernie surprised me in June with a garden when I returned from spending some time with my sister, Peg, in Olympia WA. I’ll share some photos of Olympia in another post. For now, here is my garden. I had a cherry tomato plant Bernie bought me and three other larger tomato plants a neighbor gave me. They gave me so many tomatoes. I also had green and yellow wax beans. They were slow at first, but we ended up with a lot. I’ve learned that we don’t need four tomato plants, and I don’t need to plant so many beans. I had a row of three kinds of lettuce and now I know what lettuce I like best. So it was a learning experience this growing season. Next year will be better.
This was our first bounty. Even the blackberries were abundant this season.
I had so many tomatoes that I couldn’t eat them all myself. I shared with neighbors and actually froze some cherry tomatoes. We’ll see how that turns out. I even baked a French dish, Tomato Tian. I got the idea from a blog I follow From My Carolina Home and found a recipe to my liking online. It was tasty and I enjoyed it very much.
A couple photos I just took this morning, the Montauk Daisy in my side bed that is in bloom. Summer is still hanging on here, but I think it's going to go South by Friday this week. Macy sniffing the corn, ha ha!! And, lastly my front porch.
I think I’ll end this blog post right here. I’m trying to write this on my iPad instead of my desktop, but I did have to use the desktop for a few photos. I hope to have that figured out for the next post which will be after our festival ends Oct 22. I'll try to post at least once a month on the first day of the month, unless I have something to say prior and then you may have an extra post. Hope you enjoy reading! Let me know by commenting below or shoot me an email at deb.meyer77@gmail.com.
Until then, take care of yourself!
Hugs and Happy Fall!!